Nano Expo Organizing Committee

Hari Shankar Sharma

Director of Research International
IECNSIR Uppsala University

Biography: Hari Shanker Sharma, Director of Research (International Experimental ReadMore...

Research Interest: Dr. Sharma on his research on brain pathology and neuroprote ReadMore...

Farid Meana

International Consulting Healthcare and Biosystems

Biography: Dr. Menaa (PhD, MBA, MD candidate) is an internationally inter- and mu ReadMore...

Research Interest: Dermato-Oncology & Stem Cell, Oncology & Cell Biology,†ReadMore...

Esmaiel Jabbari

University of South Carolina

Biography: Esmaiel Jabbari completed his PhD at Purdue University and postdoctora ReadMore...

Research Interest: Biomimetic Materials and Tissue Engineering

Monika K. Grudzień

Associate Professor
Medical University of Warsaw

Biography: Monika K. Grudzień completed her PhD in 2010 and it was rewarded i ReadMore...

Research Interest: Possibility of using hetero-derivatives of fullerene C60 as ReadMore...

Richard E. Palmer

Swansea University
United Kingdom

Biography: Richard is Head of the Nanomaterials Lab, College of Engineering at Sw ReadMore...

Research Interest: Atomic manipulation in STM and semiconductor nanofabrication